
lollapalooza chile 2011

Francisca Valenzuela's concert at the Coca-Cola Zero stage | Los Bunker's concert at the Claro stage | Kidzapalooza | Adidas rest zone | the programme | doing canopy | picnic zone | a cig in the shadow a.k.a. my friend doesn't know how to take pictures | green spirit | after the The Killer's concert

As i told you, yesterday i went to Lollapalooza Chile. It was simply amazing!!! All the performers were really good (even the ones that were for the kids lol) and the whole "feeling" of everything was so cool. I had an awesome time despite of the awful hot weather (i was melting during the concerts that were during the day!). There was a Green Spirit area totally dedicated to recicling and other pro world things that was quite fun and free Coca-Cola Zero all day long :D. I saw the concerts of Francisca Valenzuela, Los Bunkers, Cypress Hill, Desftones and The Killers♥. I felt like dying during every single song of The Killers... and omg Brandon Flowers!!! You gorgeous man!!!
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