I can't remember any other year that i have wanted summer to come more than this one. I'm sick of the cold weather! So to get in the mood i prepared a little wishlist of some things i would like to have this year. Fortunately my summer wardrobe isn't as bad as my winter one (probably because you have to use more clothes).
Cute Maxi Dress: Yeah, cute is kinda the key word here. I used to hate maxi dresses but this year i'm thinking of giving them a try. I have never found (in my whole life!) one that i like so i'll keep my eyes open.
Denim Shorts: Probably a must-have for every season since you can dress them up or down... BUT i don't have one! The two shorts i have are way too big for me now and the only pair that fits me it's a black one. I found one in an online store that is only 4USD so i think i go for it.
Black Sunglasses: This is a very sad story so prepare to cry lol. The fourth time (yeah, fourth!!!) my car was broke down and the idiots stole everything inside, they took my black sunglasses. They're a HUGE basic but this time i want a model that is more original than my old wayfarer ones (i'm bored of how popular they became).
Mermaid's Tears: I'm sooo buying this nail polish! The collection took forever to arrive to my country but it's here and i want this one. I'm waiting though to go to a place where i can buy it for 8USD because in my city it costs 12USD (not a BIG discount but it's something when you don't have any money lol).
Sequin Outerwear: I wanted to write there "cardigan, jacket or whatever" but it was kinda long lol. I think that something like this would be perfect for going out at night with a simple dress. I only have one other tank top full of sequins and i love it with all my life (i feel super sexy while wearing it!) so i recomend everyone to get something similar.
Brown Loafers: This has been in my wishlists for ever! I still haven't found a cute pair and for a good price but I WILL.
Summer Wedges: Well, they're not only for summer but i look at this type of shoe and i inmediately think of hot weather. They have them now in a lot of stores where i live so i hope that i can buy them before everyone has the same idea.
I love all the stuff but my favorite are the sunglasses and the nail polish!