
stay or leave

Nail Polish: Essie - Pink Parka

I was planning in going out today with some friends but we changed it to a coffee at "night" (it's when it's dark but not late at all lol). All this explanation just to say that i'll probably have to cover all this with a huge coat because now, that i'm inside my house, i'm freezing to dead! Gosh i need summer in my life. Even though i now have boots and heels i still don't feel too comfortable on them so i just leave those for going for some drinks or stuff like that (where i want to look pretty and where i'll most definitely be sitting down lol). I think we all have those type of days where we just don't want to think too much of what we wear. Yay for lazy days!

2 comentarios:

  1. thanks for the comment hun, your nails look lovely here, i love that crackled stuff xxx


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